SysAdvent Stats

November is a hectic time of year for me and a few years back I made it even crazier by volunteering to take the reigns of SysAdvent, the annual advent calendar for SysAdmins, Ops, DevOps, and all the other folks that are excited about systems. As I have been working to arrange some sponsorship stuff I got asked a super reasonable question about stats. So instead of replying in email I thought I would share the lifetime stats from the blogger console.

Stats > Overview


Stats > Posts


Stats > Traffic Sources

Traffic Sources

Stats > Audience


Of all the data presented here, it is crazy to see that Day 1 – Docker in Production: Reality, Not Hype, an article from 2014 is in the top 3 articles and it is less than a year old. It is super exciting to see the growth of SysAdvent and exciting to see how many folks visit the site each day.

I can’t wait for this year’s SysAdvent.