PuppetConf 2013

PuppetConf 2013 was an amazing experience. I could spend tons of time talking about all the things that went on but here are a few of the things that really stood out to me.

Developer Days and Open Spaces

The developer day stuff was great. While I didn’t get a chance to sit down and hack on much myself, it was great to be able to catch up with people in the community and talk about the things that are coming down the pipeline and need to be worked on.

The real win of Wednesday was the open space sessions that Michael Stanke put on. The discussions around testing and best practices/patterns were amazing. I feel like I got a ton out of just sitting and talking to others in the community. With that said, I am going to officially put it out there that I bought puppetbestpractices.com and my goal is to start collecting talks, slide decks and blog posts about patterns and module construction in one place. I haven’t decided how I am going to set it up yet, but I will make a decision soon.

Being a Speaker

This is probably the biggest speaking opportunity I have ever had. Puppet Labs not only did a great job putting on the conference but I felt super well taken care of as a speaker.

As I walked the halls I got a ton of positive response about my presentation. It was great to run into people and have them tell me, “great talk,” or ask questions about testing. I am looking forward to digging even deeper into testing and better understanding how rspec-system is going to become part of my workflow.

The Sessions

While I didn’t make it to as many sessions as I would have liked, the ones I did attend were great. I was impressed by how much knowledge each session was jam packed with. I can’t wait to go through and listen to all of the sessions as they are released.

In the meantime, the slides can be found at http://www.slideshare.net/PuppetLabs/puppetconf-at-a-glance.

The Hallway Track

Wow. I can’t even begin to list the tremendous number of amazing people I met while at PuppetConf. Whether it was getting a chance to catch up with @puppetmasterd himself or seeing old friends like @botchagalupe and @mitchellh the people are what really took the conference to the next level for me. Sitting down for, what must have been more than 2 hours, with @davemangot talking DevOps and systems architecture was one of the most enjoyable things I have done in a long time.

Lets just say, I am looking forward to PuppetConf 2014.

Puppet Design Patterns

Programming and software engineering have never been areas where I would consider myself strong. Quite frankly, it is the exact opposite. Digging into code and troubleshooting is fine, but writing code from scratch is still something I struggle with. As I have jumped onto a team with a dev guy turned ops guy, discussions about how we write puppet code have come up.

Starting with a discussion about where ancillary services get instantiated (I’ll cover that in a separate blog post), I started looking for more details about design patterns in puppet. The more I looked and asked questions, the more I realized there is not much out there. At this point, the only real reference I have found was Simple Puppet Module Structure Redux by R.I. Pienaar. This article does a good job covering a self contained module that sets up a self contained service, but it really lacks some of the more advanced use cases.

My plan at this point is to start the conversation. Below is a list of issues that I think could be well served by design patterns and discussions of anti-patterns. As time goes by my goal is to start writing posts that help to better shed light on what I see as the issue and ways I understand that we can solve it. My hope is that this will start the discussion, because I am definitely not the one to suggest the right way of doing things.

Design Pattern Areas

  • Ancillary Service Configuration (Post is about 50% done)
  • Distinguishing between types of modules. (i.e. Type and Provider, Building Blocks, Roles, etc.)
  • Interaction with environments

Just incase it wasn’t clear, I am lost when it comes time to all of this stuff. My hope is that those that have been there and done that can help shed some light on the right ways to move forward.


So the first response I got to this post in IRC was to take a look at a Designing Puppet – Roles and Profiles by Craig Dunn. This is a great starting point for a lot of the thoughts I have had.

Puppet On Windows: First Thoughts

One of the things I didn’t expect when changing jobs was the amount of Windows Infrastructure I would be responsible for. While not expected, it will be an interesting challenge and is still very much a WebOps and not an enterprise Windows deployment. As we move forward with this infrastructure, there is a huge desire to puppetize it and manage it in a programatic way.

Setting Up a Dev Environment

As a long time Vagrant user and abuser, I started with attempting to setup a base box using Veewee and Vagrant. This was met with disaster. None of the templates I tried worked and, really, vagrant isn’t designed to handle Windows. But failure of this kind always seems to open new doors.

So, I cheated a bit. The veewee template left behind a floppy image with all the of the autounattend.xml stuff rolled inside. I created a new VM in VirtualBox, added a floppy controller, the virtual floppy disk and the Windows 2008 R2 iso. A few minutes later, I had a fully installed Windows 2008 R2 instance.

From there, I shared a folder with my Puppet manifests and modules, installed Puppet and the VirtualBox Guest Additions. At this point, I took a snapshot so I can easily revert back to where I started.

Out with the Package

So, what is the first thing you want to do when setting up a web server? Install the web server software, right? On a Linux box this looks something like:

package {"httpd":
  ensure => installed,

service {"httpd":
  ensure  => running,
  require => Package['httpd'],

Simple enough, right? So I set out to figure out how to install IIS. The first thing I looked for was a built-in type to handle setting up server roles and features. Nada. So off to the Forge I went. I found an amazing IIS module written by Simon Dean. The only problem with it, it doesn’t install IIS.

Enter DISM

DISM or Deployment Image Servicing and Management is where the heavy lifting gets done. is the command line tool that allows you to install roles and features, just like you would from the Server Manager GUI. I owe a huge thanks to Mark Bools for helping shine the light on DISM with a blog post. To get started with dism in puppet, Puppet Labs has published the dism module on the forge that has a type and provider to work with. To get a list of things that can be installed with dism you can run, . From there, you can use the dism type to install the needed packages. This looks something like:

dism { 'IIS-WebServerRole':
  ensure => present,

dism { 'IIS-WebServer':
  ensure  => present,
  require => Dism['IIS-WebServerRole'],

General Observations

In general, things worked as expected. Puppet does not seem to care whether the manifests have Windows or UNIX line endings which is very nice. The only thing I have found so far that didn’t, “just work,” was the module tool, otherwise things translate just fine. The big issues left to deal with are not ones that are easily solved by puppet. There are reboots that need to take place as part of basic installations that really don’t lend themselves well to configuration management as a whole.